Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Highly Advanced Knock Knee Surgery

Knock knee is an abnormal curvature of the lower legs, resulting in a large gap between the feet and ankles when the knees are touching.

A person said to have knock knees if he have the following conditions,

*   Knock knees are angular deformities at the knee, in which the head of the deformity points inward.
*   A standing child whose knees touch but whose ankles do not is usually said to have knock knees.
 *  During childhood, knock knees are a stage in normal growth and development 

Symptoms of Knock Knee Problems

A small distance between the feet and ankles is considered normal. In children up to four years old, a gap of up to 10cm is not a cause for concern.

However, you should take your child to see their GP if:

* The gap between their ankles is greater than 10cm
* There is a big difference between the angle of their lower legs when standing straight
* There is an excessive inward or outward knee angle
* They have knee pain due to the angle of their knee
* They are having difficulty walking 

Treating Knock Knee

If your child's knock knee is caused by an underlying condition, such as rickets or scurvy, the condition will need to be treated. Rickets can be treated with vitamin D and calcium supplements, and scurvy can be treated with vitamin C supplements.

Corrective surgery for legs may be recommended in cases where knock knee is the result of an inherited bone deformity and is causing severe knee pain and problems walking.

There are several different knee operation techniques but a procedure known as an osteotomy is most commonly used. This involves cutting and re-aligning the lower part of the upper leg bone (femur) to correct the position of the leg and re-distribute the weight going through the knee.

Knock knee surgery involves cutting and realigning the large leg bones known as the tibia (shin bones). In the case of bone growth disorders, staples are inserted to the insides of the knee bone to slow down uneven bone growth and straighten the leg.

Knock Knee Treatment Cost

You will get highly advanced knock knee treatment in US, UK, India Australia etc. But the cost is very less in India compared with other countries.   
Highly advanced knock knee treatment  can be best done in Pediatric Orthopedics India at lowest cost in India.

For more information please visit and inquire through www.pediatric-orthopedic.com